How to Identify a High Potential Employee
posted:3 years agobyMarry JoJoin Work Life
Every workplace is filled with a wide variety of employees; some are high performers, while others run away from work and are victims of procrastination. The success of a company relies on the high potential employees. They don't need direction or guidance once you hire them. They learn the best skills for a job and try to do whatever it takes to meet company goals. It's time to know all about high-potential employees, like who they are and their traits. Besides, you would understand how to identify them.
Who is a High Potential Employee?
As the name explains it all, a high potential employee is the most talented employee who often gives golden opportunities. They are part of the company succession plan. These are the most successful and high-performing employees who are willing to grow and succeed throughout their careers. They have exemplary behaviors that make them leaders at the workplace and role models for their peers.
How to Identify a High Potential Employee?
The manager wants to identify these employees as they want to invest in their training and skills. During training and development plans, executives choose employees who have the ability and talent so that their investment can bring high ROI.
Here are some traits and characteristics that help managers spot them.
Quick Learners
High potential employees are quick learners. As soon as you discuss a problem with them, they learn the situation and give you a wide variety of creative ideas. They can absorb various concepts and skills quickly and then use them for strategic thinking and approach.
A manager can easily identify hi-pros by looking at their behavior. Are they hungry for knowledge? If they can learn at a fast pace and at the same time can adapt to new environments and work situations, then it's what tells you who they are. Not every person likes change; many resist it and don't like to adopt. Only a few people are quick learners and don't mind change.
Born Leaders
High potential employees believe in helping their team members and other people around. They provide constant feedback to low-performers so that they can do better and the team can meet its common goals. If an employee contributes to the development of others, they are born leaders. Soon they become favorite employees as they are kind, considerate, and helpful. So, a manager needs to see how an employee treats other employees. If an employee is high-performing but doesn't care about his colleagues' development, he is not high-potential.
Emotional Intelligence
A high potential employee usually has optimal emotional intelligence. He understands the emotions of others around him and controls his behavior accordingly. For example, if a customer is a difficult one and asks for quick action. He won't respond to him poorly. Instead he would understand why a customer is doing it or why his behavior is that bad. This level of dynamic analysis helps him resolve the main problem and behave in the best manner.
Focus on Goals
Another trait that helps you identify high-performing employees from other ones is their complete focus on their career goals. They are determined to achieve not only company goals but also to work on their personal goals.
Ask Questions
High potential employees are curious. If something is not correct or according to company culture, they raise questions and try to solve them, often overlooked by others. They don't leave matters where they are but are ready to solve many problems at the workplace to improve culture.
Friendly at Workplace
Managers can quickly identify top potential employees from others by looking at their professional circles. They are good at networking and have friends at work. It's because they have good people skills. Their understanding of people helps them connect better with people at an emotional level. They win trust with their kind and helpful attitude.
How to Make the Most of High Potential Employees?
Once you identify these employees, the next thing you need to do is to make the most of them. Here are some steps that help you get maximum benefits from them.
Give Them Challenges
As you know that your employee will go above and beyond to meet your company goals. You don't need to give them ordinary jobs. The idea is to keep their life challenging. The more challenges they face, the more they will grow. So, if you have a difficult task, assign it to your employee. Once they do what others can't, they will feel satisfied.
Help them in Their Career Path.
High potential employees easily get bored at their jobs; they don’t feel happy and leave the place. They are not getting some tasks that can help them move up in their career ladder. If you want to avoid turnover risk and plan to keep these employees, you must align with their career goals.
Managers must sit with these employees. Identify their career path and then assign them those roles which keep them engaged and motivated at work. If a specific role meets their career goal, they won’t think of leaving your workplace. They know that you are helping them in their career development.
Train and Educate Them
As you know, these employees have a specific hunger for knowledge, so you need to give them something meaningful to eat. In other words, spend money on their training. They will learn new skills and become better at what they are doing. You will get the benefit of their ultimate training. If an employee has high potential and wants to pursue higher education, their tuition fee reimbursement is a kind of perk they would love to get from your company.
Wrap Up
Always add high potential employees to your company succession plan. Identify them and give them all the attention they deserve. Make sure you invest in their career development, so they remain loyal to your company, and you keep getting benefits from their high emotional intelligence and best skill-set.